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Monday, March 30, 2009

Hello, i'm from a catholic church and i'm going to share with yall what my church sermon was about on Sunday - it may be a bit boring, and you might not even understand my english (whatever, i'm reading more and more books to improve my english okay!) but hey, It's my first post :D

Basically, the Priest was talking about prayers and that we should spend some time, even like, 2 minutes , just to say one everyday - school prayers during assembly is NOT counted (:
A simple and short one for general like ,

" Holy and eternal God,in you we live and move and have our being.In all our cares and occupations,guide and govern us by your Spirit,that we may both remember and reveal your presence;through our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen. "

would do (:
I know the Christian and Catholic prayers are different, but afterall, we ARE praying to the same God and God has created us equally - we all have flaws.

We dont need to pray like, 10 times a day just to be a good Christian/Catholic. Neither do we have to attend Church Everyday just to be a 'qualified' one , God loves everyone of us, he doesn't want us to be Nuns when we grow up, He wants us to do anything that we can achieve and when we are satisfyed, He will be satisfyed - knowing that we are living our life fully, afterall, He was the one who sacrificed Himself on the cross just for us. Without Him, there wouldn't be any us. Because of Him - attending church, mass, etc. - we have different mindsets , like kindness,humility,modesty etc. and we can tell what's right and what's wrong.
Without Him, we wouldn't have someone to turn to/talk to (pray) when we're upset or stressed.
So, a simple prayer, long or short, everyday , would help to keep the christian/catholic 'fire' burning in you.

well, thats what i learnt from Sunday Mass, anyway (:
Please edit this post if my english's wrong,please :X

-Soffi (:

Agape loves you♥ 6:31 PM.
Sunday, March 29, 2009

Beautiful Lord, wonderful saviourI know for sure, all of my days are held in Your handsCrafted into Your perfect plan
You gently call me, into Your presenceGuiding me by, Your Holy SpiritTeach me dear LordTo live all of my life through Your eyes
I'm captured by, Your Holy callingSet me apartI know You're drawing me to YourselfLead me Lord I pray
Take me, Mold meUse me, Fill meI give my life to the Potter's handsHold me, Guide meLead me, Walk beside meI give my life to the Potter's hand.


Agape loves you♥ 4:42 PM.

Hey hey HEY agape!!! I hope your week has been fine yo!!!=] Tiffany here(:

Not long ago in church, our lower sec leader Sister Kassey told us about prayer and how to pray(: Like when we pray out loud,its for a great reason-its to declare and believe in faith that our prayers WILL WORK!!! =D its an action to declare our faith and passion in Him=]

Hey agape, when we pray, THE HOLY SPIRIT transforms US!!!=] and whatever we ask in prayer, it shall be given unto us=]

And yea, hey people,=] if ya'll r not sure how to pray, don't be afraid or worry about your prayer being too short,or too long, or not spiritual and strong like other people, "For the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very our what you ought to say." luke 12:12 =]

It's ok if you wan2 pray about something but don't know how to put it in words and just say "lord,please help me" or "Lord,thank you for this day, i don't know how to put these words to you, but please help me" for this verse says: "Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. for we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings that cannot be uttered. Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because he makes intercession for the saints according to the will of god."

Ooooo agape, i got so many things to say to you!!!=D For those feeling weary, and feel so tired, those who feel like giving up and its too stressful, read this from a devotional reading:

"Waiting on god and abiding in His will is to know Him in 'the fellowship of sharing in His sufferings'(Phil3:10) and 'to be conformed to the likeness of his Son'
(Romans8.29). Therefor if God's desire is to enlarge your capacity for spiritual understanding, do not be frightened by the greater realm of suffering that awaits you. the Lord's capacity for sympathy is greater still, for the breath of the Holy Spirit into his new creation never makes a heart hard and insensitive, but affectionate,tender and true.=]"

And this:

"The most difficult ingredient of suffering is often time.
A short, sharp pain is easily endured, but when a sorrow drags on its long and weary way year after monotonous year, returning day after day with the same dull routine of hopeless agony, the heart loses its strength. Without the grace of God,the heart is sure to sink in dismal despair.

Joseph endured a long trial,and God often has to brun the lessons he learned into the depths of our being, using the fires of prolonged pain. "He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver"(Mal.3:3), yet He knows the specific amount of time that will be needed. Like a true goldsmith, God stops the fire the moment He sees his image in the glowing metal.

Today we may be unable to see the final outcome of the beautiful plan that God has hidden 'in the shadow of his hand'(Isa49:2). It may be concealed for a very long time, but our faith may rest in the assurance that God is still seated on His throne. Because of this assurance,we can calmly await the time when, in heavenly delight, we will say,'all things [have] work[ed] together for good'(Rom8:28 KJV)

Hey people, i really hope this has spoken to you=]

"for you were one darkness, but now you are light in the Lord.Walk as children of light.
(for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness,righteousness, and truth).
proving what is acceptable to the Lord.
And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.
For it is shameful even to speak of those things which are done by them in secret.
But all things that are exposed are made manifest by the light, for whatever makes manifest is light. Therefore He says: "Awake, you who sleep, Arise from the dead,And Christ will give you light."

AGAPE, let us walk as the mighty children and generation of God, and arise from the dead and throw all our sin away!!!!

LOVE tiffany xD

Agape loves you♥ 4:20 PM.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Hi everyone!

So I'm taking this course in my church called Masterlife, it's mainly to have more faith in God and grow spiritually, us being the teenagers we are and probably not having much maturity in us, which is why we need God right? Okay so for Masterlife we're supposed to spend at least about 20-30mins with God everyday and memorize verses from the Bible and I came across this verse and I think it means alot.

"If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow me." -Luke 9:23

These are the basic guidelines to being Christ's disciple; and to me, honestly, being a faithful disciple isn't an easy feat. Denying ourselves include giving all glory, praise and credit that we receive from others' to God, and sometimes we just take it all in and are either too lazy or feel that there's no need to say, "All this is only possible by the grace of God," perhaps for fear that our friends might think of us differently or the ridiculous thought that sometimes enters our mind when we're not thinking carefully: that all was accomplished by our own power and actions.

Taking up our cross daily; many think that this is a burden and a sacrifice, suffering hardships for the Lord. However, it should not be so. Taking up our cross refers to giving up our whole lives to God, as Jesus gave His life for us. This involves bearing burdens, but it is deeper than that. It is a total dedication of life. Our whole life is given to His service in anything He says. This will lead us to willingly deny self. I, for one, know that this is hard, that we sometimes get so tired after a long day at school and are just too lazy to do our quiet time and spend time with God, that we don't hunger to get to know Him better, to fellowship with Him. It's like how if you love someone, you would want to hear his/her voice and will always be eager to call him/her or receive a call from him/her. This should be the way for God as well - we should yearn to hear Him speak to us.

Life is continuous learning, and as our faith in God grows stronger and stronger, we will learn to follow him as faithful disciples. Yes, sin is inevitable. Yes, we may be tempted by the devil. But let's not dwell on the past but pray for forgiveness and with the right heart, you will be forgiven, and all will be forgotten. Think of all those who have wronged us, all those we've wronged. If God can forgive us for all the horrible things we've done, can't we extend that same grace to everyone else? Can't we learn to love those we dislike at this moment, even though it's hard and even though they would think we were being fake by displaying politeness and being civil to them? Can't we forget all that's been done to us, but focus on what we're going to do next? With God's grace, can't we overcome all this? Can't we at least do our best to give back all the He's given to us?

I'm sure we can.


Agape loves you♥ 8:51 PM.
Sunday, March 1, 2009

Hello everyone(:

sorry we've not been posting for quite some time. But anyway that aside.

Today is the first day of the month of March. How time flies, already two months have gone by just like that. Anyway, I want you to really reflect on what you did these two months, did you just let the days past worthlessly or did you do something that made the time you spent on that thing worth it? For Christians/Catholics, did you something in these past two months that would glorify God's name, or did you just waste that time away? It is very important that we as humans reflect once in a while to keep track of our life. Many a times, we waste too much time on doing so many unnecessary things where we could use that precious time to, perhaps, focus more on our studies or something that would really give you a sense of accomplishment. Life is too long to do nothing but too short to do everything. Here are some inspirational quotes that might help or encourage you:

It's how we spend our time here and now, that really matters. If you are fed up with the way you have come to interact with time, change it. -Marcia Wieder

Lost wealth may be replaced by industry, lost knowledge by study, lost health by temperance or medicine, but lost time is gone forever. -Samuel Smiles

And after finding the route of the problem that is wasting your time, work on it. Try your best to plan everything properly, who cares if your friends makes fun of you for being such a organised freak or what have you, at the end of the day, you are running your own race, not your friends. And after planning your time properly, put in into action. God didn't give you a tomorrow for nothing, he gave us a tomorrow to improve from our yesterday. So i want to encourage all of you to use your time well, plan out how you want March to be, it could be a great month for you, or it could turn out otherwise. Reflect and plan out what were some problems you faced in the past two months, and how can you improve on it this month. It wouldn't take to much of your time, perhaps just 10-15minutes. So why not use this 10-15minutes to save you probably much more time.

But no matter what happens, you have a God who will always be there for you. He will support through thick and thin. And don't forget to spare some time for God, if He can spend the rest of eternity with you, so why can't you just spare an hour or even more with Him? Be thankful for what you have, Sieze your tomorrow, learn your yesterday. God love you! and so does Agape!

May God bless you!


Agape loves you♥ 10:25 PM.

First Words!♥
We the CHIJTPSS school prayer group!
We're a bunch of Passionate Christians,
who wants to bless the school, students and staff of IJ.
Do feel free to join us!
you can contact us at:


♥For God to send us more souls to save!
♥To do more outreaches in IJ!
We speak!♥

PHS Prayer Group
NewCulture* Prayer Groups
NJC Prayer Group
January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009