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Friday, February 27, 2009

"For a man's ways are in full view of the Lord and he examines all his paths." Proverbs 5:21
Just want people out there to know that no matter what difficulties you face, God is there for you and he loves you. (:
Jesus has done so much for us, he died on the cross for us and is willing to be our listening ear, a shoulder we can cry on, a helping hand to pick us up when we fall and many other awesome things :D we can definately depend on him! i hope everyone of us will respect him and maintain a good relationship with him! That we will not only depend on him when we encounter problems, but also give him praise and thanks when something positive happens! :D
Let's spread his love and his word for he deserves it! :D
Jesus loves you and so do I! (:

Agape loves you♥ 9:10 PM.

I am the vine, you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit. Apart from me, you can do nothing.

John 15:5

Hi everyone! A short post here to keep this blog going. I just want to share this verse that spoke to me one day. God created us and showered us with so much love that we should give back to Him in the very least, live in His word and witness to the world, bearing fruit as is His will.

So everyone, don't be ashamed of Jesus Christ your Lord and Saviour; spread his word!

Love you all!


Agape loves you♥ 8:53 PM.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Hey peeps!!! How's ure week going?(: well,hang on! it's almost the weekend :D well, here's what i heard at church last week(: its about being a Genuine Christian.=]Sounds "chim" to you? don't worry,i'll explain it fully=D hahha you know sometimes when we pray for the passion,the faith,the everlasting hope to keep on burning in us? Well, i hope that for me,and each and everyone of us will go to prayer group with an expectation everyday!!! You know those worship songs that always say of leaving our past behind,and that today's a new day? Yea,we can go to prayer group with an expectation,like when we go to church,we want to be renewed in Christ again=]
Like today when we sang the heart of worship, and almost everyone including Hui Ying was there? yea, we all came for a purpose:to feel God's love, to be strengthened,to want to grow closer and war for our lives and our friends's lives too. (: i believe that someday, we'll grow so strong in Christ, we won't care about the weird looks they give us anymore! we won't care what they think of us or how weird they think we are, praying and worshiping.=] Sometimes, even the strongest christians need pillars to help them along too,to encourage them=] sometimes i feel guilty abouot not spending time with god, and not reflecting, but hey, i think everyday's a new day and a new hope for our expectations to rise in Him! =] God's prescence was really powerful on one day this week- yay! and that made me realise, it stirred up my faith in Him again, to save the lost and realise how beautiful praying was with tongues=] tongues or no tongues, if we believe in faith and do our best to pray and believe passionately for His prescence to fill the whole school, it'll surely come! For he is always with us (:
"It is written: Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God" Matthew 4:4 In this verse, God tells us to live by His word and not just by the standards of this world alone (: And if anyone of you, like me, sometimes feel a little bit guilty, and wants to repent and try not to do it again, here's a verse:" Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand" Matthew4:17 " Follow me, and i will make you fishers of men" Matthew4:19 (:hahha oh and as i was saying, =] here's what my church spoke abt being a genuine christian:=]

We have to look at ourselves today, and consider whether our faith is one that draws people to God, or pushes people away from God.(: Do people think of us this way: 1) Christians say one thing and mean another? What can we do? Christians say and do everything they mean in faith (: 2) Christians are boring and out of touch with reality, but we CAN be Christians who are engaged=] amen? 3) Christians are insincere and are only interested in converting others, but we can change by acting as Christians who cultivate relationships and environments where others can be transformed by God. =] 4)Christians are prideful and quick to find fault with others, but We believe, that we christians can show grace by realising their fellow people's talents and believe that they can be Christ's GREAT FOLLOWERS.
Wow=] sounds exciting eh? AGAPE!!! Let's bond together, and show compassion and kindness to our friends or people who we rarely know and are lonely! Let's be understanding and forgiving even if people don't come for prayer group everyday or only once in a blue moon( not refering to anyone k?)=] and pray for that person! For prayer works=] Let's also concentrate on our personal walk with God and how our attitudes and character influence our friends in a positive or negative way!=D And HOLD ON PEOPLE!!! The week's ended! Lean on God's strength whenever you're about to sin, for you do not have enough strength to keep ureself pure and not tempted at times=]that's why God died for us=]

I really hope AGAPE will rise up with fire and God's wonderful blessing on it, and we mean what we say or commit to the Lord=] Do good to please God (: Let's build on the rock=]
And those who are feeling lost of feel like giving up, hold on,-come back to the heart of worship.(:

loves, tiffy! =D have a great week ahead (: Cya's soon =]
" And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose" Romans8:28 press on!=D

Agape loves you♥ 10:49 PM.

First Words!♥
We the CHIJTPSS school prayer group!
We're a bunch of Passionate Christians,
who wants to bless the school, students and staff of IJ.
Do feel free to join us!
you can contact us at:


♥For God to send us more souls to save!
♥To do more outreaches in IJ!
We speak!♥

PHS Prayer Group
NewCulture* Prayer Groups
NJC Prayer Group
January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009