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Saturday, January 31, 2009


I want to talk about Friday's prayer group that was on the 30th January. It was super awesome! we had 18 people that day, out of which 7 were secondary ones, some were the ones invited through the 'we are here for you' outreach. Anyway, I just want to tell my precious sec one babies not to feel scared! we're not here to bite or eat you up, we're here to pray for you! It's okay if you attended once and don't feel like attending it again due to various reasons, we're not going to force you to join or anything. But, we will be more than happy if at any point of time wish join the prayer group. We will always be ready to help you! We love you! God loves you!

Anyway, We shared this paticular verse that day,
1 Chronicles 16:11 - Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always.

To anyone whom may feel stress and feel like breaking down at any point of time, or just feel like giving up. I just want to tell you to perserver and don't lose hope, the Lord is our strength, He'll always be there for you, when you're studying, or, when you're struggling, He'll always be there to pull you back up. Stand strong! you can do all things in Christ who strengthens you! All you have to do is trust your whole life to God, whatever is happening in your life right now, is all part of God's plan. It may be good, it may be bad, but fear not, there's one thing I've learnt that even in the worst of situation, God will alway provide you with a way out, He won't leave you in the lurge. Like i said, He is your support.

If you're a non-Christian or a non-Catholic, you might think i'm talking rubbish or something, but all you have to know is that you have a God that is always there for you. Whether you believe in Him or not, He is always faithful to you, becuase he loves you. But i'm going to tell you something, God is real, He is powerful, and He is a loving Father, who died on the cross for ALL our sins. He sacrificed his own life, just to give us life. But if you want to know more about Christ, or even want to accept Him in your life, you can add us at unselfishhearts@hotmail.com or my personal email at melissa-ng@hotmail.com
i'll be more than happy to tell you about my God! He's SUPER AWESOME! ((:

Okay, that's all for now, tune in for the next awesome awesome awesome post!


Agape loves you♥ 5:14 PM.
Thursday, January 29, 2009

Hey agape!!=Dhahhah remember tomoro we're gonna take individual photos and a group photo!!!=] hahhah well, i just thought of writing a post today(:

Have you ever doubted god before? I'm sure all of us have doubted Him slightly,whether its thinking that He's real,or whether He'll pull us through our obstacles,or what will happen to us tomorrow,the day after,or in the future(: well,today i just wanna touch on all these things=]

Well,if you're thinking whether God's real or not, sure He is! in the third post, i typed out a verse in Isaiah6:11...you can read on(: there's no such god as idols-we can be sure of that=] and if God wasn't real,we wouldn't feel happy and joyous whenever we praise God in worship, or pray, or even spek tongues!!! tongues is a gift from God=] and He'll always be there for you. For didn't He die for us on the cross and rise again? the Holy Spirit's in us too=] like whenever we say something bad or do something bad,you'll feel guilty and think about your actions(: that's the Holy Spirit in you,pricking ure conscience!!!=D

And whenever you doubt in the Lord, sometimes its God testing you in your faith with Him.=] I used to doubt Jesus alot this year, but whenever i felt His presence at church during worship, I'll always be encouraged again to run the race for Him.(:

For those who feel as if God's not there for you, here's something tt my mum showed me in her book(those bible study books) =]

"Never look ahead to the changes and challenges of this life in fear. Instead,as they arise look at themwith the full assurance that God, whose you are, will deliver you out of them. hasn't He kept you safe till now? So hold His loving hand tightly, and He will lead you safely through all things. And when you cannot stand, He will hold you in his arms. do not look ahead to what may happen tomorrow. the same everlasting father who cares for you today will take care of you tomorrow and everyday. Either He will shield you from suffering or He will give you His unwavering strength that you may bear it. Be at peace then, and set aside all anxious thoughts and worries."

hahha i really hope this post will speak to you agape (: and other ppl reading this blog, i hope it will minister to you too. God bless you!!!
Save The Lost whoo!=D

Agape loves you♥ 9:39 PM.
Sunday, January 25, 2009

Hey AGAPE!!!=D yay this is our third post!(:

Well,i'm here today to say that we CAN have breakthroughs in our friends lives and ours as well=] because when we pray, something happens in the spiritual realm. Let not the devil lead u ASTRAY!!! For he is the devil of lies and God is the God of truth.

Pesevere,AGAPE!!!For we are a chosen generation,fighting for what we believe in! Let's bring our friends to freedom! For our god is a living God and there is no one else like Him!

"Thus says the Lord, The King of Israel,And His redeemer,the Lord of Hosts:I am the first and the Last:besides Me there is no God. And who can proclaim as i do? Then let Him declare it and set it in order for Me, Since I appointed the ancient people. And the things that are coming and shall come, Let them show these to them. Do not fear, nor be afraid;Have I not told you from that time,and declared it? You are my witnesses, Is there a god besides me? Indeed there is no other Rock;I know not one."ISAIAH44:6-8

And let's do it in faith for the glory of Jesus,and even if our friends say we're Godly,just continue to act in the image of Jesus,for sooner or later our friends will start talking about us to their friends:"eh,she's a changed person! isn't that good? I think this has something to do with her god. She's so understanding and nice! She doesnt say vulgarities anymore,and yea,she's a great friend!=]" For we impact people with our speech and what we say.

For example, if a really vulgar person comes into your class and becomes real popular and creates a clique,and this particular person scolds bad words in any way,you'll realise her newly found friends will start to do the same,as in copy the vulgar person's words. So, in the same way, we can impact people with our speech,actions,and personality in God. Sooner or later, people will start to follow our good habits and examples if we act in the image of Jesus!(:

"For you ARE a chosen generation,a royal priesthood,a holy nation, His own special people,that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;who once were not a people but are now the peopls of god,who had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy." 1stPeter2:9-10

FOR WE ARE A CHOSEN GENERATION!!!We too are the salt and light of this earth!!! "You are the salt of the earth;but if the salt loses its flavour,how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot
by men. You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket,but on a lampstand,and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men,that they may see your good works and glorify your father in heaven."Matthew5;13-16

So, let us be the salt and light of this earth, and not just say we will act in jesus's image,but mean every word we say!!! Though the going gets tough and doubts arise in you,commit everything to God! For our prayer group multiplying and seeing breakthroughs is God's blessing,done through Him and not by us!!!

"Stand firm then,with the belt of truth buckled around your waist,with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this,take up the shield of faith,with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit,which is the word of Gor. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind,be alert and always praying for all the saints." Ephesians6:14-18

Hey AGAPE!=] Stop Doubting,Start Believing!!!
Spend time with God everyday as a commitment, and be faithful to prayer group kay?(: for agape is rising up with every step of faith we take against the enemy!!! Break the strongholds of the enemy that is holding you down,for the bible is true, and it has been scientifically proven!!! Miracles have taken place,and the Holy Spirit is in us, quickening us whenever we do something wrong. (: So, what are you waiting for/ Go for it!!!=D
Jesus loves you=]
Save The Lost
A song=]
Do you wanna go to the place they call freedom?
Do wanna see like the free see?
Do you wanna dance in the land they call freedom?
Do you wanna go?
Do you wanna go?
YES i want to go

Jesus come take us to the foot of the cross where we have been brought now
Freedom is ours,we take it up,we take it up

Freedom for the world
Freedom for the generation
Let us call to every nation come(x2)


Agape loves you♥ 6:10 PM.

Hello everyone(:
It's Chinese New Year tomorrow, ain't it exciting?!
do you know why it's exciting? First of all, CNY, is a blessing from God, see, during CNY, or any other festive occasion, we all get short holidays or breaks from our hectic studying/working life and get a chance bond with our family members and relatives, and because God gave us awesome gifts of holidays, He is also giving us an opportunity to tell our family and relatives about God(:

So what are you waiting for?! don't use that precious time to talk about stuff that don't really matter, start using opportunities and chances, right in front of your eyes that God has given YOU to tell others about Him! You don't have to pray and wait for the right time to tell others about God, you can start anytime. So why not NOW? And don't do this because you have to, but because you WANT TO. God will see your hard work and it'll all be paid off someday. Remember, JESUS LOVES YOU AND I KNOW YOU LOVE HIM TOO(:

Also, don't forget to enjoy yourselves this Chinese New Year. Happy Chinese New Year, Moo Moos!


Agape loves you♥ 1:57 PM.
Saturday, January 24, 2009

Hello everyone(:
first of all, thank you Tiffany for creating our prayer group blog.
Secondly, I just want to say this to all students from CHIJTPSS,
We are here for you, no matter what kind of help you need, we'll try our very best to help you. We have our prayer group every morning at 7am sharp, it is located at the 5th level staircase(nearer to the performing arts room) in between St. Raphael and St. Gabriel block. If you are interested and wish to attend our prayer group, please contact us at unselfishhearts@hotmail.com. If you wish, you can meet me outside the 3/5 classroom, I'll be glad to bring you there. Once again, AGAPE loves the IJ family((:

sec 3/5(come and look for me!)

Agape loves you♥ 1:04 PM.

Hey Agape and friends!!! Guess what? Our blog has been created!!! =D Whoo! Let's continue to war for our friend's lives, be strong,and rise up as mighty warriors of God!!!

Let us not doubt Him,for He'll be the light that shines through our darkest places!!!=]

Agape means love(: let's love our unsaved/saved friends as brothers and sisters in God!!=]

Let's IMPACT!!!=D For we were made for a purpose in this world. ;D CHEERS!!! WHOO HOO!!!

Save the Lost

Agape loves you♥ 12:06 AM.

First Words!♥
We the CHIJTPSS school prayer group!
We're a bunch of Passionate Christians,
who wants to bless the school, students and staff of IJ.
Do feel free to join us!
you can contact us at:


♥For God to send us more souls to save!
♥To do more outreaches in IJ!
We speak!♥

PHS Prayer Group
NewCulture* Prayer Groups
NJC Prayer Group
January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009